Unconventional: not conventional; not bound by or conforming to convention, rule, or precedent; free from conventionality.

Notions: opinions, views, beliefs, conceptions, or ideas.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Credit where credit is due...

Tim Ferris's book The 4-Hour Workweek has garnered quite a bit of interest and a hell of a lot of press recently.  In fact, Tim Ferris won a prize from Wired magazine last year for being the "greatest self promoter" of all time."

My guess is that it is true, that he is possibly the greatest self promoter out there.  In fact his website, wildly popular in some circles, is one gigantic self promotion.  

My point about this is, so what?  Who cares.  Give the dude some credit.  He has made some fantastic points.  Yes, the book reeks of self-help jargon in some cases but he also goes a step beyond and gives people real insights into how to impelement his lifestyle and is he completely transparent in that he knows he is operating at the extremes.  

Ferris's thinking and approach to life is unconventional and that, in itself, will draw out the critics.  Unconventional thought though is the only way to lead an unconventional life.  So I say read the damn book (it's a very quick read anyway).  Implement what you like and leave the rest but just like a great conversation with any opinionated person don't dismiss it because it is littered with some self promotion and cliché self help.  Just the tips on limiting email use are likely worth the price of admission alone. The guy wrote a well thought out book with real details about how he accomplished his goals.  He deserves the credit he is getting, even is he is a shameless self promoter.

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