Unconventional: not conventional; not bound by or conforming to convention, rule, or precedent; free from conventionality.

Notions: opinions, views, beliefs, conceptions, or ideas.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Uh...Who wants to argue about infrastructure spending?

The American Society of Civil Engineers recently issued their 2009 Report Card for America's Infrastructure. If your kids got this report card you would lock them in their room with the entire St. John's College reading list and wouldn't let them out until they could recite it verse by verse.

Some of the highlights:
America's Infrastructure G.P.A. = D
Total Investment Needs = $2.2 Trillion, (estimated 5 year need)
A = Exceptional
B = Good
C = Mediocre
D = Poor
F = Failing
The actual report card, with definitions, is here.

If you want to entertain yourself I suggest writing a note to your congressional reps daring them to explain to you how we cannot afford infrastructure spending if we want to remain just a wee bit competitive. Just for fun of course, y'know, only if you have nothing else to do.

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